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仁者行藝 許武勇 百歲紀念展 Wu-Yung Hsu Centennial Exhibition
Wu-Yung Hsu Centennial Exhibition

Wu-Yung Hsu (1920~2016) was born in Tainan City, during Japanese occupied Taiwan. Educated and trained in University of Tokyo as a physician in internal medicine, his true passion was in oil painting. While working as a physician, he used any free time he had in pursuit of art. Throughout his artistic career, he blended Western and Eastern styles and techniques in his paintings. He often painted themes and motifs ranging from fantasy, travelogue sceneries, and Taiwanese cultures. He expressed his romantic sentiment toward life’s beauties and yearnings, mixed with skillful Cubism artistry, as his “Romanticism” style of painting. 

許武勇(1920~2016)出生於日治時期的台南市,於東京帝國大學醫學部畢業。雖然擔任為內科醫師,他真正的熱情在於創作油畫。即使在行醫時,他也儘量利用業餘時間從事藝術創作。在他的藝術生涯中,他的畫作融合西方和東方的風格與技巧。他常畫的主題和主題包括幻想、旅行場景、台灣文化。 他在他的畫中表達他對人生的美和嚮往的浪漫情懷,加上立體派的技巧,作為他『羅曼主義』的繪畫風格。

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